Auto Credit Based on JLaerospace's JL SSTO V0.5 Manouverability and control

This is the JL AeroLance! It is carrying the competition payload for the competition hosted by Deltlead



  • Total Delta V: 9.1km/s
  • Total Thrust: 17.3MN
  • Engines: 11
  • Wet Mass: 9.65E+5kg
  • Dry Mass: 2.02E+5kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 2 4.5km/s 12.6MN 3.1m 9.65E+5kg
2 1 4.6km/s 4.0MN 10.3m 9.65E+5kg
3 2 93m/s 636kN 2.3m 9.65E+5kg

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