Upgraded version of the first Max7 series, this one is superior in many ways to the previous version.
In hover mode, blue chest light on, auto level will keep Max upwards
Tons of new details
Activate 1 to hover, deactivate to fly like a rocket, 1 is toggle button
2 comes on letting you know your in flight mode
Max flies faster in space
If blue chest light is off he flies like a rocket
If blue chest light is on, use roll for inverted turn
Use RCS translation left stick up to start auto hover
Auto hover is on at 10 altitude or higher
To land use RCS translation mode left stick down to shut off hover
If blue chest light is on throttle moves you forward
If blue chest light is off throttle moves you upwards and auto level is off
This is a super easy to use bot
Bot auto slows in atmosphere like a parachute as long as you're under 300 km/s
RCS helps with lunar landing
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1,600 Tarquez
@Zyvx, I appreciate that information. just curious, can I work with Vizzy scripts on iOS?
32.0k Zyvx
@Tarquez if you want to dissect Max7, you will find Vizzy in the primary pod and a separate Vizzy script in a separate chip with engines assigned to chip or pod based on function, this frees up some control options. A balance of gyro, weight, and drag, will help too
32.0k Zyvx
@Tarquez @nathanmagnus thank you very much. I think this bot gave me some ideas for future builds
1,600 Tarquez
Freaking awesome build, buddy. Really nice design work. I wish I can get translation to work like that!
32.0k Zyvx
@Gozinya Thanks, I forgot to put the chest logo on the first one, so I decided I could make alot of upgrades plus the logo on this one.
@Tarquez I know someone with iOS, I will see what I can find out.