Auto Credit Based on TerraSpaceYT's GEN - R first stage LOX tank test

the GEN - R is a 2 stage launch vehicle with ground breaking tech onboard. engine shields are added to the upper stage because the new TC - 90 VAC's are so powerful. the first stage has 1 TC - 80 engine that is so powerful it blew itself to pieces on 12 of the 30 engine firings. if you look closely you can see the LOX test tank as the engine section. this is my most complicated build and i hope you enjoy!

this craft is my first RSS capable vehicle and can reach almost any destination on it

the engine shields can separate as they are only needed for the hottest part of the flight (ignition phase)



  • Total Delta V: 179.1km/s
  • Total Thrust: 79.8MN
  • Engines: 9
  • Wet Mass: 1.1E+6kg
  • Dry Mass: 1.13E+5kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 1 172.4km/s 72.4MN 20.8m 1.1E+6kg
2 2 6.7km/s 5.1MN 7.4m 8.09E+5kg


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    Pinned 1.8 years ago
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    19.3k CanadaDucK

    Really Cool Brother! I'm gonna take this for a spin in a few hours after work!

    Pinned 1.8 years ago
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    7,961 TerraSpaceYT

    @Gaylen thanks Gaylen!

    1.7 years ago
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    0 Gaylen

    It is a wonderful rocket!

    1.7 years ago
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    7,961 TerraSpaceYT

    @CanadaDucK thanks for the feedback. i will add RCS to it for DEMO 3. personally the MECO should work better after i add the upperstage RCS

    +1 1.8 years ago
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    19.3k CanadaDucK

    Took it for a Spin!
    Loaded KAL,s Autolaunch Vizzy and took it up to 125 000 km
    . Very Fast Rocket
    . Like the Flushed RCS Jets (same as me)
    . RCS seemed to struggle a bit on their own after MECO
    . Engine Heat Shields are “The Bomb”, love that!
    . Would like RCS on Stage II (preference)
    . Craft Circularized nicely
    . Nice Piping & Details
    . Great Rocket… Thumbs Up!

    Remember, I used KellyNyanbinary’s Auto Launch Vizzy, may have been smoother after MECO Manually?

    I have older I-Pad, ran great

    1.8 years ago
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    7,961 TerraSpaceYT

    @SamTheFox woop woop!

    1.8 years ago
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    7,961 TerraSpaceYT

    @CanadaDucK it doesnt have a payload so add whatever you want! :). id love to get some feedback about it if you could. wanna see how it runs on other devices :)

    +1 1.8 years ago
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    7,961 TerraSpaceYT

    @CanadaDucK hope you enjoy it as much as i did testing it!

    1.8 years ago


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