LSA-1P is a small energy powered aircraft piloted by one drood.
Flight and technical capabilities
LSA-1P is capable of travelling from Droo Space Center to Ali Base and in the atmosphere of Taurus or Nebra. LSA-1P has 5 kerolox power generators that can recharge 35.7 kWh batteries. This airplane can carry 32 kilograms of kerolox for its power generators and some cargo in its containers in front of the cabin, behind cabin and under cabin. LSA-1P has 5 kerolox power generators. The minimum take-off speed is 57 m/s (205 km/h) and the maximum flight speed is more than 110 m/s (396 km/h). LSA-1P has a 2.27m propeller which maximum rotation frequency is 3000 RPM. Also LSA-1P has size-marker lights, front lights and cabin red-colored lights.
2.Gear motor
3.Power generators
4.Cargo bay
5.Size-marker lights
6.Front lights
7.Cabin lights
8.Landing gear
Polished version of LSA-1P
Better cabin and size-marker lights
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43.9k goz
This looks so cool and is insanely fun to fly especially in first person mode.
Aaaaand I think I just found my Nebra Powered Flight candidate!
Edit: that drood bobble head is adorable :>