A replica of the Eurofighter Typhoon!
Ag2: Smoke Trail
P.S. Thanks to Mod for helping me with the smoke trail!
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562 TopSecret2
peels off face to reveal John Cena Face
“Are you sure about that?”https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f5/0194EurofighterTyphoon_98%2B03.jpg
1,630 DeboStreams
@TopSecret2 the inlets are just about in the same spot as in real life.
562 TopSecret2
@DeboStreams That’s not the issue. The actual inlets you use are directly behind the canards causing occlusion, or inlet blockage of air. If the game were more realistic than it is that would result in a compressor stall, which can likely blow the engines up or cause them to stop. The Typhoon had its inlets below the fuselage beneath the canards to avoid that.
1,630 DeboStreams
Yeah I ran into the same issue. You just gotta pick up speed of about 300 m/s and you should be fine. @TopSecret2
562 TopSecret2
Why does pitching the aircraft down make its TWR get much higher? Edit: figured out the culprit: you placed the inlets on the sides (the inlets are supposed to be under the fuselage) which isn’t only a historical issue but when the canards turn, they block them, causing that thrust change issue. I attempted to fix it but could not get the appearance quite right. Not sure what you’re gonna do with this.
i dont have now juno lol