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6,773 DMCcorp
@Freeskyaerospace I’ll do the exterior. I think you should pick what car it should be. Do you have any other social media presence, like Reddit?
20.3k Freeskyaerospace
@DrooMulticompany I do chassis and interior, you take exterior? What kind of car? Base it on the legionnaire? Revenador? Something new? Something different? I’m just assuming this coz you’re better with the exterior but I’d be happy trying exterior if you prefer
20.3k Freeskyaerospace
@DrooMulticompany yeag ig, i could modernize my engines a bit, still want to collab?
20.3k Freeskyaerospace
I just recommend using the pistons to resemble the pistons, but if you can get this super good it'll be incredible
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@DrooMulticompany related to this accout only discord