if you somehow found this, heres the controls:
1 - landing/hover guidance, will take over the controls at just the right time to hover the vehicle, kill horizontal speed and then go in for a soft landing.

2 - grid fin actuation, grid fins will automatically reverse input depending on if the vehicle is falling or not assuming you are pointing up.

5 - main outer engines, they dont gimbal.

6 - outer gimballing engines.

7 - inner gimballing engines.

9 - RCS, rcs is very helpful and fuel is plentiful especially during the hover/landing phase.


press AG 1 at any time to arm the hover/landing sequence (arming while grounded results in throttle being locked)

after pressing AG 1, AG 2 will also be automatically enabled to activate the grid fins.

The superheavy is meant to glide similar to that of a plane, it has big fat air rakes that are used as wings (orient the vehicle so the air rakes are on the belly) to get a couple extra kilometers of RTLS error margin.


The guidance program uses PID controllers for controlling the craft, basically a PID controller is a special program that takes in "current value" and "target value" along with 3 tuning values: proportional which is how strong errors are reacted to, integral which attempts to predict the next error, and derivative which counterbalances proportional in order to stop oscillating over and under the target value.
the PID controller takes in all these values and does some math and spits out a "corrective value" that you can then use in order to correct the value and target value error in your use case, such as bringing up a vat of iron to melting temperatures as fast as possible without overshooting the temperature or being to sensitive when nearing melting.

hovering uses a PID controller that takes the height error and adjusts throttle accordingly, the lateral speed kill program uses a PID controller that takes in the lateral speed (target is 0 so the error is the current value) and adds the corrective value to target pitch to angle the engines slightly towards prograde to slow down while hovering.
And then the program that lowers the vehicle to the ground after hovering takes in vertical speed, gets the error (target value is -3.5 m/s) and adds the corrective value to the "TWR1" value which is the throttle required to have a 1.0 twr.


when you are falling, make sure you arent throttled and make sure AG 1 is active.

once you get to the "hoverslam start height" (which is the height at which the hoverslam is calculated to start) the inner and outer engine gimbals will ignite at 100%, then when the vehicle is slower than 90 m/s the outer gimbals will shut off and the hover program starts, and the horizontal speed kill program turns on for the rest of the landing procedure.
after the programs slow the vehicle down to a human walking speed, the hover guidance ends and the vehicle slow descent program starts and then the vehicle makes a soft landing and kills the throttle!

You are free to copy the vizzy script in here, as it is universal and will work on every rocket within reason (obviously you have to tune the PID controllers and some values you want)
just MAKE SURE you give me credit if you use any of the craft or script, credit can be in the form of a link to this craft in the TOP of the DESCRIPTION of whatever craft you upload that uses my stuff.


  • Created On: Windows
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $71,235k
  • Number of Parts: 447
  • Dimensions: 71 m x 18 m x 10 m


  • Total Delta V: 0m/s
  • Total Thrust: 88.5MN
  • Engines: 33
  • Wet Mass: 1.9E+5kg
  • Dry Mass: 1.06E+5kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass

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