A simple space telescope with a very powerful camera. Through some tinkering with part properties, it now has a minimum feild of veiw of zero. All pictures were taken from Droo orbit at different zooms. Slider 1 controls the zoom of the main camera. Slider 2 and slider 3 control the orientation of the radio disks. Hope you enjoy! and please upvote!
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105 AxiomDynamics
@syh15145018597 that’s because of the tinkered zoom, it’s zooms in a lot more at 100, so it gets tricky to line stuff up, it takes some getting used to.
@Mars22 But I found them and locked them. It looked small when I zoomed in to 99%, but it was dark when I zoomed in to 100%.
105 AxiomDynamics
@syh15145018597 it’s hard to find them cause the movement is really touchy, try targeting them in the map then gradually zoom in.
I am very curious about how you see planets other than the satellite of Droo, because when I slide the slider 1 to 100%, my screen is dark, and I am a mobile phone player.
why does it break up?