God, this is a crazy flying machine! Very simple! I hope the test pilot is okay. I made this during recess, inspired by the X-14 aircraft.
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25.6k XionmassResearchDevt
Adjust pilot oration. And set auto pilot settings to same as a stock cockpit if using a command disk or chip .but disk flies better than chips to . Also says missing fuels . Load in issues.
25.6k XionmassResearchDevt
IDK. I have not time to fly this yet. But looking around this morning at recent uploaded crafts , I do this daily tho . And probably the most active in up votes well. Ok. I'm definitely in top 3 up voters. I enjoy the game but I love the idea of Juno site for sharing what we create with our minds and not only. But can make things we can actually test and enjoy in a virtual world
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ultralights are cool