The BM-817 is a hypersonic Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) capable of achieving speeds over Mach 6.90. The missile operates using a rocket engine rather than ramjet or scramjet technology and is guided by an advanced gyroscopic control system. Here's an outline of the BM-817's design and operation:

Design and Components

  1. Rocket Engine:

    • Propulsion: The BM-817 uses a conventional rocket engine for propulsion. This engine burns solid rocket fuel, which provides the necessary thrust to achieve hypersonic speeds.
    • Thrust: The engine is designed to generate enough thrust to propel the missile to Mach 6.90+.
  2. Gyroscopic Control System:

    • Guidance: The missile is equipped with a high-precision gyroscopic system. Gyroscopes provide stability and control by detecting and compensating for changes in orientation, ensuring the missile follows its intended trajectory.
    • Navigation: The gyroscopes work in conjunction with other onboard navigation systems, including accelerometers and potentially GPS, to maintain accurate course correction.
  3. Two-Stage Launch System:

    • Stage 1: Solid Rocket Booster

      • Launch: The missile launch begins with the ignition of a powerful solid rocket booster. This stage provides the initial thrust to overcome Earth's gravity and propels the missile through the lower atmosphere.

      • Separation: Once the first stage fuel is exhausted, the booster is jettisoned to reduce weight and improve efficiency.

    • Stage 2: Primary Rocket Engine Activation

      • Ignition: After the booster is released, the primary rocket engine ignites, continuing to accelerate the missile to its target speed and altitude.

      • Sustained Flight: This stage ensures the missile reaches its designated hypersonic speed (Mach 6.90+).

Operational Sequence

  1. Launch Preparation:

    • Pre-Launch Checks: Comprehensive system diagnostics are conducted to ensure all components are operational.
    • Fuel Loading: The missile's solid rocket fuel is carefully loaded and secured.
  2. Launch:

    • Ignition: The solid rocket booster is ignited, providing the initial thrust necessary for liftoff.
    • Ascent: The missile ascends through the atmosphere, with the gyroscopic system actively maintaining stability and trajectory.
  3. Stage Separation:

    • Booster Separation: Upon reaching a predetermined altitude and velocity, the solid rocket booster is jettisoned.
    • Primary Engine Activation: The primary rocket engine ignites, continuing the missile's journey.
  4. Hypersonic Flight:

    • Acceleration: The missile accelerates to its target speed, achieving and maintaining Mach 6.90+.
    • Trajectory Control: The gyroscopic system ensures precise control over the missile's path, adjusting as necessary to stay on target.
  5. Re-Entry and Impact:

    • Re-Entry: The missile re-enters the atmosphere, with heat shields protecting it from the extreme temperatures.
    • Terminal Guidance: Final adjustments are made to ensure accuracy upon approaching the target.
    • Impact: The missile reaches its target with pinpoint precision, delivering its payload.

Advantages and Innovations

  • High-Speed Capability: The BM-817's ability to reach speeds over Mach 6.90 allows it to cover vast distances quickly, making it difficult to intercept.
  • Gyroscopic Precision: The advanced gyroscopic control system ensures the missile maintains a stable and accurate flight path, even at hypersonic speeds.
  • Two-Stage Efficiency: The solid rocket booster provides the initial thrust needed to break free from the lower atmosphere, while the primary rocket engine ensures sustained hypersonic flight.

The BM-817 represents a significant advancement in ICBM technology, combining hypersonic speed, precision guidance, and efficient stage separation for enhanced performance and reliability.


  • Created On: Android
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $31,493k
  • Number of Parts: 27
  • Dimensions: 35 m x 4 m x 4 m


  • Total Delta V: 3.3km/s
  • Total Thrust: 9.4MN
  • Engines: 2
  • Wet Mass: 1.23E+5kg
  • Dry Mass: 52,465kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 1 1.0km/s 7.0MN 13s 1.09E+5kg
2 1 2.2km/s 2.4MN 47s 65,280kg

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