The real AV-6 why because i forgotten that i actually made this before the AV-6 that 2 days ago i posted.
Anyways this is a Heavy Launch Veichle capable of carrying 100-500T to Low Droo Orbit and beyond.(Noted that the heavier the payload less range)

1st stage:Orbital stage
2nd stage:beyond stage

Ok I know that this is not vizzy....so if you can land on the moon than you can land it.
(Recommend to land in the ocean)
If you want to be cool than land it near the launch site.

Ways of landing:
Basically deorbit until the explosion logo hits the place that you want to land,in a long distance.
This creates a stunning scene.
Deorbit it until the explosion marker hits the place that you want to land,in a close distance.like above it or near it.

If you are scared to do it then deploy the landing legs the will create drag.Noted that this only applies to the Orbital stage/1st stage.

This could be a 100% reusable craft or a 50% one.Depends on the way that you use it.


  • Created On: Android
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $17,651k
  • Number of Parts: 54
  • Dimensions: 79 m x 12 m x 12 m


  • Total Delta V: 79.9km/s
  • Total Thrust: 78.5MN
  • Engines: 3
  • Wet Mass: 9.33E+5kg
  • Dry Mass: 15,382kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 1 42.0km/s 44.0MN 75s 9.33E+5kg
2 2 37.9km/s 34.5MN 21s 1.48E+5kg

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