The Tu-244 is was developed by Tupolev but later cancelled in 1993 (probably due to budget issues). The 244 would have hauled 300 passangers a distance of 10000 km while cruising at mach 2. The Tu-144 offered as a test bed for the Tu-244.
She should be pretty easy to fly. Reverse thrust is ag1 and landing gear is ag3
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152 HerrFox
@SamTheFox hmm, would you like to try this im Discord? (prevent clutter I'd guess)
9,415 RudimentaryCheezit
Shift+A opens a menu wherein you can select an object, and you can adjust the amount of subdivisions on it, the size (in meters), and other options that i forgot.
S scales the object from all X, Y, and Z vectors. you can press X, Y, or Z in scale mode to only scale it from the according direction.
G to grab, or just move it along the inside of a sphere while in grab mode. you can also only move the object along the X, Y, and Z vectors by pressing X, Y, or Z while in grab mode
if you want to make smooth and straight geometry, you can go into geometry mode and pull vertices in the X, Y, and Z vectors by pressing the according keys. there’s a lot of information about geometry that can’t fit into one comment, so i suggest you watch youtube tutorials on geometry -
9,415 RudimentaryCheezit
well i don’t really know where to start, but what are you interested in specifically?
152 HerrFox
@SamTheFox maybe about a month late or something (very inactive and too lazy to log in), but I'd be interested in taking up your offer
152 HerrFox
@DrooMulticompany An SST is a Supersonic Transport while an SSTO is a Single Stage To Orbit.
Going to consider a remodel for this aircraft soon. Will start about 12 hours after this comment is released