Auto Credit Based on CedandRossSpaceAgency's STS-41-B/Westar VI/IRT/Palapa B2/SPAS-01

STS-41-C was a mission that had the 1st Direct Ascent Trajectory launch (meaning it got to a high orbit in one manuever and that manuever is to circulize the orbit) and the 1st mission to repair and redeploy a satellite. It would first deploy the LDEF, which is a spacecraft that experiments things for some years. It would be retrieved at STS-32, but it was supposed to be STS-51-D that would retrieve it but the mission's payloads were changed and the Challenger Disaster made STS-32, originally made to just deploy a Syncom, the mission to retrieve LDEF. The next thing to do was repair Solar Max but first they had to stop it's rotation. George Nelson would try to stop it's rotation using MMU #2 to go to the spacecraft and a TPAD to attach to it. But he failed to do so because an obstructing grommet was missing from the satellite blueprints. So he made a risk to stop Solar Max by going to it's solar panels to stop the rotation. It stopped rotating but shortly after, it tumbled. Mission Control for Solar Max stopped the tumbling and at the next day, Solar Max was grappled by Canadarm to its flight support station. It was successfully repaired and redeployed. They replaced the spacecraft's Main Electronics Box with a new one and the antenna can extend now because it was jammed before it was repaired. Had the repair fail, the shuttle would've went back to Earth with Solar Max and Solar Max may be put to a museum, be scrapped or it would be repaired on the ground and relaunched.



  • Total Delta V: 106.8km/s
  • Total Thrust: 16.7MN
  • Engines: 24
  • Wet Mass: 6.04E+5kg
  • Dry Mass: 2.23E+5kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 3 50.7km/s 2.0MN 1.16hours 6.04E+5kg
2 3 0m/s 0N 3.62hours 6.04E+5kg
3 2 24.1km/s 7.8MN 72s 2.13E+5kg
4 0 0m/s 0N 0s 2.11E+5kg
6 2 32.0km/s 1.3MN 18.8m 1.68E+5kg


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