Auto Credit Based on Boredplanet11's GA-8

The Ga-8C: Airshow Civilian Variant of the Ga-8 Interceptor


With the end of World War II, many military aircraft found new roles in civilian life, including participation in airshows. The Ga-8, known for its agility and performance as a wartime interceptor, was perfectly suited for conversion into an airshow aircraft. The Ga-8C, where "C" stands for "Civilian," was developed to captivate audiences with aerobatic displays and demonstrations of aerial prowess.

Development and Modifications

Transforming the Ga-8 into the Ga-8C required several modifications to make it suitable and safe for airshow performances, while still maintaining its heritage and distinctive characteristics:

  1. Engine Tuning: The Pratt & Whitney R-2800 Double Wasp radial engine was overhauled to ensure reliability and consistent performance during high-stress aerobatic maneuvers. The engine was fine-tuned for smooth operation and extended endurance, balancing power with longevity.

  2. Weight Adjustments: While the military equipment was removed to reduce weight, some structural reinforcements were added to handle the increased stress from aerobatic maneuvers. Lightweight materials were used to maintain a balance between performance and structural integrity.

  3. Smoke System Installation: To enhance the visual impact of aerobatic routines, a smoke generation system was installed. This system used a special oil injected into the exhaust to create trails of smoke, highlighting the aircraft's flight path and maneuvers.

  4. Enhanced Visibility: The cockpit canopy was redesigned to provide better visibility for the pilot, crucial for performing complex aerobatic sequences. Additionally, the aircraft was painted in a vibrant, eye-catching color scheme to stand out during performances.

  5. Safety Modifications: Modern avionics and safety equipment, such as a state-of-the-art radio, GPS, and emergency locator transmitter (ELT), were installed to ensure the pilot’s safety during performances.

  6. Comfort Enhancements: The cockpit was modified for pilot comfort during longer airshows, with upgraded seating and improved ergonomics, allowing pilots to focus on their maneuvers without distraction.

Airshow Performances

The Ga-8C quickly became a favorite on the airshow circuit. Its powerful radial engine and nimble handling allowed it to perform a variety of spectacular aerobatic maneuvers, such as loops, rolls, and high-speed passes, thrilling audiences with its agility and grace.

Signature Maneuvers:

  • Hammerhead Turn: The Ga-8C would climb vertically before pivoting 180 degrees at the peak of its climb and descending in a vertical dive.
  • Cuban Eight: A series of vertical loops forming a figure-eight pattern, showcasing the aircraft’s smooth handling and precise control.
  • Low-Level Passes: High-speed, low-altitude passes that demonstrated the aircraft's speed and the skill of the pilot.

Notable Airshows and Achievements

  • EAA AirVenture Oshkosh: The Ga-8C became a regular performer at the world’s largest aviation celebration, EAA AirVenture Oshkosh, drawing crowds with its impressive aerobatic routines.
  • Fleet Week Performances: The Ga-8C often featured in Fleet Week airshows around the country, performing over harbors and cityscapes to the delight of spectators.
  • International Airshows: The Ga-8C also participated in international airshows, representing the legacy of American aviation and entertaining global audiences with its dynamic displays.


The Ga-8C’s transition from a military interceptor to a civilian airshow star exemplifies the adaptability and enduring appeal of Garry Alexander’s design. The aircraft continues to be celebrated not only for its wartime contributions but also for its role in entertaining and inspiring new generations of aviation enthusiasts.


The Ga-8C stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of the Ga-8 design, captivating airshow audiences with its thrilling aerobatic performances. Its transformation into a civilian airshow aircraft highlights the versatility and timeless appeal of this remarkable plane.

This has:
Obviously smoke(smoke: ag4)
Cameras for a more cinematic view


  • Predecessor: GA-8
  • Created On: Android
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $1,568k
  • Number of Parts: 96
  • Dimensions: 5 m x 18 m x 17 m


  • Total Delta V: 0m/s
  • Total Thrust: 300N
  • Engines: 1
  • Wet Mass: 10,890kg
  • Dry Mass: 9,804kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass

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