Phoenix Mark II is a commercial Luna lander manufactered and operated by Eagle Aerospace. Phoenix Mark II represents a major leap in Luna lander technology for Eagle Aerospace. Other than a size and payload increase, Phoenix Mark II boasts: failure redundant engine design, extra fuel, more cameras, shock-absorbing landing legs, deployable cargo bay doors, deployable solar arrays, a more accurate Lidar system, and a camera mast similar to that seen on the Mars 2020 rover. The lander can deliver 2 Pathfinder-sized rovers in its cargo bays, and altogether over 500kg of payload to Luna and over 650kg of payload to Brigo. It can launch comforably on a Phoenix V(6 SRB varient) with 6m fairing. During the landing sequence, jettison the Third-Person Camera(AG-6) at 50m above the surface, and shut down the landing engines and turn on the thrusters(Slider 1) at 5m to avoid lunar dust hitting the lander. The payload bays are the white panels with the American Flag on it. Place payloads in there. AG-2 activates the Lidar system. AG-3 activates the lights(meant only for night operations). AG-4 deploys the antenna and camera mast. AG-5 activates the rotator and hinge on the camera mast(useable via Slider 4). AG-6 jettisons the Third-Person Camera, allowing for a stunning view of landing. AG-9 and AG-10 deploy the solar arrays and activate the RCS, respectively. Slider 1 controls RCS thrusters, while Slider 2 open cargo bay doors. Slider 3 extends the camera mast and antenna, and Slider 4 rotates and angles the camera head. The lander has many cameras on it, feel free to explore the different views. Credit for the American Flag decals goes to @TheQiqi. Enjoy flying and landing the incredible vehicle!


  • Created On: iOS
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $5,300k
  • Number of Parts: 162
  • Dimensions: 4 m x 5 m x 5 m


  • Total Delta V: 1.3km/s
  • Total Thrust: 251kN
  • Engines: 3
  • Wet Mass: 16,027kg
  • Dry Mass: 9,660kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 3 1.3km/s 251kN 66s 16,027kg


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