the F.C. (FlameCorp.) goofer is a random super light i decided to build which flies
relatively well, just... don't pitch up or down a bit too much k? its supposed to be cheap, not safe, or fast, or...anything except an "aircraft"
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69 Flamebush69
@N24z sorry that I couldn't see your comments, school and all, but of course, I'd love to see your take on it dude!
366 N24z
Can I try making it "doable looking"? No is fine by me but I'm really great at detailing barebones stuff (like the Hog lander)
69 Flamebush69
@N24z thanks dude! It was the first time I tried my hand at this concept, I'm happy you liked it!
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If you have a concept, I'll remake it. I'm bad at designing, but I'm good at perfecting