While the human cannonball has been around for a 145 years, astronauts have typically shied away from this foolishness out of fear from loosing their medical. This device does that job though. It's not perfect (droonaut's really want to stay upright and block the tube going up at too large an angle), it's dangerous and random (the impact predictor is as reliable as your horoscope). Anyway, enjoy.
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6,623 DMCcorp
@Dooiereier guesstimating/because I said so/ he has great-great grand children
4,667 Dooiereier
@@DrooMulticompany Happy birthday to them, it's a great achievement. How can you tell its age?
4,667 Dooiereier
@XionmassResearchDevt This is no rocket game, I say again this is no rocket game :)
24.9k XionmassResearchDevt
I almost have a complete SR2 Theme park... Will be open by Christmas... Proud to say . This will be in my theme park . With tons of other rides and games
@JamesValino Sue me! But then first build a court of law building on Droo.