only mod is simple hole
pottentially capable of launching up to 19 tons to leo
landing scripts are modified from this code
press 1 to launch
booster detaches at 14 percent fuel
quicksave then load booster guidence core and press AG2
2nd stage can also do suicide burn with AG3 only needs 5 percent fuel for landing
launch and boostback wip


  • Created On: Windows
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $16,054k
  • Number of Parts: 137
  • Dimensions: 27 m x 9 m x 9 m


  • Total Delta V: 7.4km/s
  • Total Thrust: 1.6MN
  • Engines: 8
  • Wet Mass: 99,380kg
  • Dry Mass: 31,196kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 7 3.2km/s 1.3MN 2.6m 99,380kg
3 1 4.1km/s 256kN 6.5m 28,233kg


  • Stock Engine Overhaul by Complex Rockets
    Version 1.5 (6/8/2022 12:14:33 AM)
    View Mod Page
  • Simple Hole by Aram
    Version 1.1 (12/28/2022 2:47:01 PM)
    View Mod Page

1 Comment

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    sorry i now see that it has stock engine overhaul rquired as well i wasnt really paying enough attention also 2nd stage landing is a bit finniky due to not being able to shut down any engines so it has bonkers twr

    26 days ago

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