This is a fully autonomous replica of the SpaceX Falcon 9 capable of launch and landing on both the drone ship and at the DSC launch site. Just spawn the rocket at any location at DSC and the flight computers will do the rest. Once the rocket has completed its ascent and boost back burn, take control of the second stage to boost your payload into a higher trajectory. Just make sure to switch back to the booster before its entry and landing burns!

This craft is the latest in a series of rockets ultimately leading to a fully autonomous Starship, Superheavy and Chopstick system. Featuring a fully overhauled code base and working aerodynamics and grid-fins compared with my previous craft. As before, landing sites can be configured in the flight code (see notes). Next up will hopefully be a fully reusable falcon heavy to finalise the code structure allowing for multiple boosters to be controlled at once (or boosters and chopsticks…)!

Checkout the previous Automated SN8 flight test
Credit to GreenGalaxyAeroSpace for designing the SpaceX logos on this rocket!


-Payload is configurable up to 12T (Ideally keep the weight around this value)

-Can be launched from any location at DSC (Please do not launch at the Launch Pad Large for RTLS landings)

-To switch between landing locations, change the “DroneShipLanding” variable in the code to
0 = Return to Launch Site
1 = Drons Ship

-If switching crafts back to the booster, sometimes the landing site needs to be reset as a target for the entry burn to work properly (Do this when switching back from the second stage if the booster is not targeting anything!)

-Any problems please let me know in the comments


  • Created On: Windows
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $66,989k
  • Number of Parts: 254
  • Dimensions: 70 m x 5 m x 5 m


  • Total Delta V: 3.4km/s
  • Total Thrust: 5.8MN
  • Engines: 10
  • Wet Mass: 3.46E+5kg
  • Dry Mass: 56,725kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 9 3.4km/s 5.3MN 2.2m 3.46E+5kg
3 0 0m/s 0N 0s 2.72E+5kg


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    @LaunchRocketsForFood Orange and yellow still have not connection and my game is mobile version

    +1 2 months ago
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    @CCCP0000001 trying to fix it but it’s a little tricky when i can’t get it to break. Would you mind telling me which colour part it is on this Colour Version. This version has more connections so let me know if it still doesn’t work. Also are you on mobile version or pc? Thanks for your patience!

    +1 2 months ago
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    @AstrumY Thanks! I use the game camera tool but take screenshots instead. That way you can crop or composite images in any free editing tool. I used PSExpress. You can then edit the game files and swap out old photos for the edited ones.

    2 months ago
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    Super cool craft 10/10 just how do you manage to edit the thumbnail this way

    2 months ago
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    @LaunchRocketsForFood The outermost frame on either side of the first stage grid wing,not a big problem but if fix will be good

    2 months ago
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    @CCCP0000001 Hi which part is falling off? It’s working on my computer but let me know and I’ll try and fix it

    2 months ago
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    It seems that something that is not fixed will fall off during launch, hopefully you can update it in a future version

    2 months ago


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