The Ga-7R: Air Racing Variant of the Ga-7 Night Fighter


With the end of World War II, many military aircraft found new life in civilian roles, including air racing. The Ga-7, known for its speed and agility as a night fighter, was a prime candidate for conversion into a competitive racing aircraft. The Ga-7R, where "R" stands for "Racing," was developed to excel in the highly competitive and thrilling air racing circuit of the post-war era.

Design and Development

The transformation of the Ga-7 into the Ga-7R involved several significant modifications aimed at maximizing speed and performance, ensuring that it could dominate air races.

Key Modifications:

  1. Lengthened Fuselage: To enhance aerodynamic stability and accommodate additional fuel for longer races, the fuselage of the Ga-7R was lengthened. This modification helped improve the aircraft's balance and overall aerodynamic efficiency.

  2. Engine Upgrade: The Ga-7R retained the powerful Pratt & Whitney R-1830 Twin Wasp radial engine, but it was extensively tuned and modified for racing. Enhancements included increased supercharging, high-performance exhaust systems, and meticulous tuning to maximize horsepower, pushing the engine's output significantly beyond its original military specifications.

  3. Weight Reduction: The Ga-7R was stripped of all unnecessary military equipment, including radar systems and armaments. Lightweight materials were used wherever possible, and non-essential components were removed to reduce weight and improve the power-to-weight ratio.

  4. Aerodynamic Enhancements: The airframe underwent a series of aerodynamic improvements. These included a more streamlined canopy, refined wing and tail surfaces, and the addition of fairings to reduce drag. The aircraft's surface was meticulously polished to minimize resistance.

  5. High-Efficiency Propeller: A new, high-performance four-blade propeller was installed to maximize thrust and aerodynamic efficiency, providing the Ga-7R with unparalleled speed capabilities.

  6. Fuel System Modifications: The fuel system was optimized for racing, with smaller, lightweight tanks designed for the short duration of air races. This allowed the aircraft to carry just enough fuel for the race, minimizing excess weight.

Racing Performance

The Ga-7R quickly made a name for itself on the air racing circuit. Its powerful engine, coupled with aerodynamic enhancements and weight reductions, allowed it to reach speeds approaching Mach 0.91, making it one of the fastest aircraft in its class.

Operational Highlights:

  • National Air Races: The Ga-7R competed in several National Air Races, securing multiple podium finishes and establishing itself as a formidable competitor.
  • Bendix Trophy: In 1948, a Ga-7R piloted by renowned air racer Tom "Speedy" Stevens won the prestigious Bendix Trophy, a cross-country race that tested the aircraft's speed and endurance.
  • Thompson Trophy: The Ga-7R also achieved success in the Thompson Trophy races, known for their challenging closed-course circuits that demanded both high speed and precise maneuvering.


The Ga-7R’s success in air racing extended the legacy of the Ga-7 beyond its military service. Its remarkable speed and agility made it a favorite among pilots and spectators alike, and it became an iconic symbol of post-war innovation in aviation.


The Ga-7R exemplifies the spirit of post-war aviation innovation and the excitement of air racing. By leveraging the strengths of its military predecessor and making key enhancements, the Ga-7R secured its place in aviation history as a dominant and beloved racing aircraft. Its transformation from a night fighter to a racing champion highlights the versatility and enduring appeal of Garry Alexander’s design.


  • Created On: Android
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $668k
  • Number of Parts: 75
  • Dimensions: 5 m x 16 m x 16 m


  • Total Delta V: 0m/s
  • Total Thrust: 300N
  • Engines: 1
  • Wet Mass: 6,027kg
  • Dry Mass: 6,020kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass


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