Auto Credit Based on centurion88's YL-5H reusable rocket with auto-landing program


YL-7 is a 2-stage rocket whose first stage is able to recover and land automatically.
You are suggested to launch at DSC Launch Pad, enter 4 parameters and then the program will deliver your paylload to designated orbit. The whole process is automatical.
Compared with V1.0, some modifications were made to improve the accuracy of landing, which made it possible to land on the drone ship.

Rocket livery tributes to the moon rocket in the Adventure of Tin Tin

Demostration video

GIF for ship landing


  1. Support ship-recovery for stage 1
  2. Improve landing accuravy
  3. Improve LDO capacity to 50 tons
  4. Upgrade orbit-insertion program, allowing Inclination angle input
  5. Add more details to the model, including model of launch tower


Make sure you've set the physics distance to higher than 500 km.



  • Total Delta V: 5.2km/s
  • Total Thrust: 21.4MN
  • Engines: 9
  • Wet Mass: 1.47E+6kg
  • Dry Mass: 6.85E+5kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 7 2.0km/s 20.0MN 1.8m 1.47E+6kg
3 2 3.2km/s 1.4MN 5.0m 1.86E+5kg


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    No need for mods.
    Set to 10km in the game and then do as the turorial:

    +1 11 months ago
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    You're welcome. I'm glad to hear any problems encountered during use.

    +1 11 months ago
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    @centurion88 Thank you. You're the best. I'll try it soon. 👍

    Edit. No. That fixes nothing. Firstly, max physics distance without any mods is 10km, and secondly this doesn't explain why the craft can't fly itself to orbit when its the active craft.

    11 months ago
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    I got it. The upper stage is controlled by a command chip on it, but the game will not run any Vizzy programs on the craft beyond the physics distance. Therefore, when distsnce between upper stage and the booster under your control is further than 5km, the upper stage lost control, and you can also see the booster losing control if you switch to the upper stage manually after seperation. And this is why you're suggested to set the physics distance as more as possible, a feasible value is 500km.

    11 months ago
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    @centurion88 I've tried 200km, 250km, 400km, 500km, I've tried using a lighter payload. It consistently falls back and burns up. Physics distance 5km, I've never changed it. The upper stage has more than enough DeltaV, but never uses it to circularize.

    I'm doing a flight now. Switched back to upper stage at ASL 170km. But it's burning straight down to Droo. Past 100km. At 80km ASL. So far, no attempt to pitch at any point. We're burning up. We're dead.

    11 months ago
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    How far is your physixs distance? What orbit parameters did you input?

    11 months ago
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    There's a problem with the upper stage not trying to raise periapsis. After landing the booster, and switching to the uppper stage, it just falls to earth. It makes no attempt to orbit.

    11 months ago
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    11 months ago
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    11 months ago


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