I haven't tested it yet...
everything is functional including: Staging, Launch scape system, Service Module, Lem (Lunar excursion module)

The Launch scape System only separate after 1st stage separation, wait for 5 seconds before you activate 2nd stage booster... if not, there's a possibility you might hit the launch scape system that probably can damage command module, in worst case it may cause a huge explosion or unplanned disassembly that end up to failure, Remember! some parts of the rocket are too sensitive it can react to debris impact, i intentionally did that so that you'll experience that the flight are challenging, even catching the Lunar module.
keep in mind after you successfully catch the lem, you need to detach the interstage inside manually, that supporting the lem to hold and prevent damage after flight, then after you detach it manually you may now use your service module rcs to pulled it out, not the command module rcs that only support direct pointing while re-entry.
If you completely directed back fr earth, you need to separate command module to service module before re-entry and activate your rcs guide.
there are 2 types of command pod, one is for the staging that is programmed to command module, and the other one is for the lem so that you'll able to land on lunar.

sorry if the lem are too ugly, i haven't enough time to make an original model. but it's functional anyway including leg and separation if you're planning to returning back to service module for docking. don't waste too much fuel for lem it's designed for it to carry two Astronauts and it's a short amount of fuel.

lastly i put 3 Astronauts next to command module: Buzz Aldrin, Michael Collins and Niel Armstrong.

I don't have much description about this rocket. I just create the saturn v rocket for a Fan of Apollo 11.

She's all yours and Enjoy!


  • Successors 1 craft(s) +14 bonus
  • Created On: Android
  • Game Version: 0.9.614.0
  • Price: $400,299k
  • Number of Parts: 435
  • Dimensions: 159 m x 25 m x 25 m


  • Total Delta V: 15.6km/s
  • Total Thrust: 138.0MN
  • Engines: 42
  • Wet Mass: 6.96E+6kg
  • Dry Mass: 3.47E+5kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 9 4.0km/s 90.1MN 3.0m 6.96E+6kg
3 1 2.6km/s 10.3MN 8.5m 3.12E+6kg
5 28 5.9km/s 36.1MN 2.5m 1.11E+6kg
7 1 3.1km/s 1.6MN 1.6m 86,735kg


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    Why didnt you put the crew onside the CSM and LM

    2.9 years ago
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    @kittman I downloaded his rocket and Published an updated build for inexperienced SR2 users(Like Myself) and Optimized its performance for Simple Droo-Luna Operations, There are processes still being worked on. And Unless you have cheats, it wont get you to Luna Just yet. But more updates will come. And I will get it to Luna! :)

    3.0 years ago
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    Man, I used ur rocket, Added updates, To Make it simpler for Inexperienced Simplerockets 2 Users, And Posted my updates. Optimizing it for Simple Droo-Luna Operations. if thats ok! Ive already been told I stole it. But I gave credit to you twice in the des. Lol. And Auto Credit was given too. Again, Not a big deal.

    3.0 years ago
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    Hmmmm, looks cool, have interior?

    3.3 years ago
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    4,265 kittman

    it looks fantastic!
    ...but the manual staging is a bit goofed up. I finally noticed that all AG groups are labeled, which finally let me leave the ground using stage one.
    a suggestion for ya... perhaps make the numbered AG Groups in the same order as needed in flight. example: instead of having the first stage engines on AG10, perhaps set them to AG1, Second Separation to AG2, 2nd Stage Booster to AG3 and so on.
    that or perhaps include the correct order of the AG's to be activated in the description.
    as I said, a suggestion. you mentioned no testing yet, but I think after you run it through some tests you can fix it rather easily. I began to redo the AG groups to be in order but then got frustrated and am putting it down for now.
    I look forward to flying it with the staging working in the correct order cuz it looks pretty cool

    3.7 years ago


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