💯 percent Vanilla 100 🎉
Flies perfect.. can exceed 2200ms with glitch . but normal is 900ms
Max alt 40,000
Take off Speed is 55ms.
super Agility Fighter combat Plane.. no weapons installed.
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4,877 Willst0
@XionmassResearchDevt my speed plane has a range of 14000km so i think your stuff beats mine in range. Nice plane btw
24.9k XionmassResearchDevt
@AEROaviation unlimited speed . Only can go as fast as heat can let you . . I have other jets to still. You get this going from full throttle and fly close to ground .. vanilla and is THE FASTEST . , SO PLEASE STOP BULLYING ME OVER IT.. I HAVE EVEN MORE JETS . WE CAN DO THIS ALL DAY . PLUS I CAN BUILD A JET A DAY.. plus how much fuel you use because most 97 percent of all my jets can fly around droo vanilla no matter what speed their set at or going . I built mine usually flying around droo with them
24.9k XionmassResearchDevt
@GroundedKakapo.. this is not qualified btw .. but it is fast either way .. just hits a massive thrusting even with Engine off
24.9k XionmassResearchDevt
@thepilotman it's utilizing what is called compression lift.. it has more lift , and but a lot of stable to hold down and creates basically rides its own shockwave .. like xb-70
2,069 thepilotman
It's really sleek, and definitely has that simple planes vibe, my only recommendation, is increase AOA