This flying wing has 2 high bypass jet engines for low altitudes, that top out around 12,000M - and 2 large turbojet engines for high altitude flight (mach 3+ at 30,000M+). each set of engines has inlet covers that open with throttle, to be more aerodynamic when not in use. there is power to spare...but will travel very long distances by using the low altitude engines to get to 10,000M, then turning on both sets of engines without afterburners (under 80% throttle), then when it tops out around 25,000M , throttle 100% and climb to 30,000M+. it will hold the altitude and able to make high bank turns with trim at -100 and pitch at the edge of the atmosphere. it can climb and have about an hour of mach 3 flight time to explore Droo.

Activation groups

"trim sl2" - adjust trim -100 to 100

"low alt engines" - turns on high bypass engines, activates inlet opening, and indicator lights

"high alt engines" - turns on turbojet engines, activates inlet opening, and indicator lights

"lights" - beacon lights and headlights

"engine bays" - exposes engines, ground use only

i used the tinker panel to adjust rotator inputs(for the inlets), and remove staging from the engines - it is vanilla in all other aspects


  • Created On: Android
  • Game Version: 0.8.402.0
  • Price: $168,645k
  • Number of Parts: 133
  • Dimensions: 5 m x 53 m x 31 m


  • Total Delta V: 0m/s
  • Total Thrust: 0N
  • Engines: 4
  • Wet Mass: 1.39E+5kg
  • Dry Mass: 88,462kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass


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    @XionmassResearchDevt - thank you, but i dont have the discord...or any social media - this simplerockets website is about the only thing i do online, that isnt some sort of specs data or invoice transfer for work

    4.1 years ago
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    He said you need to be on discord, and direct message him and he can invite you to the server

    4.1 years ago
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    @SmurfResearchX it had to be jet only, no Rocket, no rcs , no gyro.. I can get you an invite to be an Alpha Tester for campaign mode.. invite might be from Gozinya

    4.1 years ago
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    @XionmassResearchDevt - Sounds cool, the career mode will be a nice addition - with a jump out of the atmosphere, like it does, it might not take much more to get to orbit (adding a rocket engine) - but might need to be scaled up some to balance out the added weight, making the rocket fuel ratio less

    4.1 years ago
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    I didn't want to announce it on mine because it's fresh upload.. but that plane is made for a mission in simple Rockets career mode.. Mission called black birds singing.. objective is to make a jet that can stay above 40,000 for more than 3 minutes.... And that info is top secret.. about the career mode.. that I'm a tester on

    +1 4.1 years ago
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    21.4k Rafaele

    whoa that's big

    5.2 years ago


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