without tinkering


  • Created On: Android
  • Game Version: 0.9.704.0
  • Price: $1,303k
  • Number of Parts: 3
  • Dimensions: 10 m x 2 m x 2 m


  • Total Delta V: 4.9km/s
  • Total Thrust: 152kN
  • Engines: 1
  • Wet Mass: 11,122kg
  • Dry Mass: 2,304kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 1 4.9km/s 152kN 3.0m 11,122kg


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    13.7k Vedhaspace

    @ImtiaakSR ?
    My rocket?
    It's just engine tweaking nothing else, working very nice for me

    3.2 years ago
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    132 ImtiaakSR

    Umm its cursed i crash everytime

    3.2 years ago
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    13.7k Vedhaspace

    its fully stock

    3.2 years ago
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    13.7k Vedhaspace

    @DASX no

    3.2 years ago
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    51.9k DASX

    No XML ?

    3.2 years ago
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    13.7k Vedhaspace

    @Sentinel ok

    3.2 years ago
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    825 Sentinel

    @Vedhaspace hmm its all right

    3.2 years ago
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    13.7k Vedhaspace

    You asked this but still can't reach 6km/sec its close to 5km/sec deltaV

    3.2 years ago


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