the stellaris IX (alpha variant) is used to transport heavy cargo to LEO and GEO. featuring a first if its kind FTS system and 6 engines on the first stage, it can lift impressive amounts of payload, there are 4 variants of the stellaris IX, the alpha, omega, trident, and poseidon, the omega variant features 7 engines for more performance if needed during ascent, the rocket features our new engine that has been in development for quite literally 3 months, but having settled on an effecient and powerful design, the engines produce enough thrust to lift a london bus, the omega variant is also capable of reuse, and the first stage can return for a water landing using 2 or 3 of its engines on the first stage, depending on the amount of propellant left, (usually around 20%) the rockets first stage is half silver half white, due to the conditioning states of the propelllant within the tank on the bottom, using LOX and Liquid methane as its propellant, which is most effecient and provides easy reuse and effeciency from the engines, the whole rocket stands around 70 meters tall, ontop of its Mobile launcher, the rocket uses a higher rotation rate of its engines gimbles, allowing the enghines to make previously impossible maneuvers, a pipline accross the side of the first stage provides the 2 tanks with the required amounts of propellant, the rocket's first stage can land on just 1 engine in the event of an engine shutdown, the first 3 tests of the stellaris IX were unsuccessful after the first 2 attempts suffered massive engine failure and the rocket fell back onto the pad. in the end it was determined the required amount of battery was not implemented to feed the electric pumps on the engines, the same issue occured on the second stage for the 3rd flight, where lower than required chamber pressures were seen, it was also caused by a lack of battery to feed the electric pumps, so we switched the pumps to a staged configuration on the second stage, however the issue on the first stage was solved, so it still uses electric pumps, the stellaris IX is built of stainless Steel and titanium composits

ill release the other variants when they are produced


  • Created On: Windows
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $254,196k
  • Number of Parts: 154
  • Dimensions: 167 m x 130 m x 130 m


  • Total Delta V: 446.2km/s
  • Total Thrust: 165.7MN
  • Engines: 11
  • Wet Mass: 3.39E+6kg
  • Dry Mass: 1.48E+6kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 4 21m/s 28kN 41.3m 3.39E+6kg
2 6 417.8km/s 106.5MN 21.5m 3.39E+6kg
4 1 28.4km/s 59.1MN 4.3m 1.39E+6kg



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