Crazy little Fun 2 Seater Flyer
Fast.. agile.. Easy ..But Expert..
Vanilla and a original Xionmass Research and Development
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25.5k XionmassResearchDevt
@XionmassResearchDevt btw . I've seen stubborn others do that intake like you did and I really tried to help other way. When trying to attempt Juno records .
25.5k XionmassResearchDevt
@Xyerzzy np. I have this way on several even my fastest around droo jet . Flip the intake backwards. Then add to rear as an exhaust. And has to be past the engine end .. even a tad .. and large enough to not be in exhaust way . I call it my exhaust recycle intake basically.... What you get is zero drag from Intakes which takes your op vanilla speed from you . . Enjoy :)
330 Xyerzzy
Ahh. I see how you did that intake. Id tried several times similarly to no success. I'd love to borrow that idea on future crafts where practical.
330 Xyerzzy
Clever little custom canopy. When i finally stop stressing over making mine tinker free I'll have to try that.
25.5k XionmassResearchDevt
@WVBOBK I love it. It hit the mark. I admit a lot of my stuff is . But here lately. I been wondering the same about boeing and skunkworks. They must of been or same breed as we are actually.
4,918 WVBOBK
@XionmassResearchDevt sorry about fruity, that was supposed to be “truly”. Damn autocorrect!
25.5k XionmassResearchDevt
@XionmassResearchDevt let me know if that works or if need new . And exactly what you want it to do .
25.5k XionmassResearchDevt
@XionmassResearchDevt look at my little gif Xionmass from Oklahoma on discord. Juno server lol.
25.5k XionmassResearchDevt
@WVBOBK yo. I'm an okie . Hillbilly is my next door neighbor if it isn't me lol . I got rod . But vanilla style lol
4,918 WVBOBK
@XionmassResearchDevt I wish I had your talent. I’m a tinkerer. Hillbilly hot rods, guns, missiles… add on stuff. But I love your and other folks fruity original stuff!
25.5k XionmassResearchDevt
@DiamondModerator that simple trainer I have that's very recent If not good enough. I'll have more soon. And as for jet to do same. I seriously suggest my new Boeing YF-118 that's new to... It has a unique stability . I've done amazing things with it already
716 DiamondModerator
Make a plane thats slow enough for me to go through the hangars unbruised and make it propeller thanks
25.5k XionmassResearchDevt
@WVBOBK it's something I've been holding on to not sharing for about a year. I like enough to keep. So I'm sharing
@XionmassResearchDevt I'ma try to learn some of this I will need to master it so it doesn't appear so square, thanks bro