Auto Credit Based on OlvrWiseman's Avis Brakognier 09EC

Brakognier is a MASSIVE fighter-bomber of third jet fighters generation, created and produced in a 70-80 years of XX century.

Project AVIS-09 was more like a challenge for engineers of Avis corp. Infront of them was task to make one-engine fighter, capable for taking huge masses of bombs. Engineers took it way too seriously and personally. Sacrificing max speed and manoeuvrability, they made an aircraft, that can lift itself... However, aircraft was also not that effective in terms of fuelling - 1 hour of flight burns full tank, while craft cant perform well in air-to-air combat and doesn't fly very far, so its service was very much strictly functional - close-surface bombing operations.

AVIS-09 wasn't produced in a large numbers, and service saw only ±40 units. Only time these planes was used in action is cold-war Africa, where its needed to carry much of a bombs, and enemy forces had no ultrasonic defences against it. When african infantry rebels saw Brakognier in the sky, they knew - litteral hell is coming to bomb everything and everyone, while they probably already have nothing to answer.

Most of the models were AVIS-09C2A2, second compact modification with wings put tighter to fuselage and rearranged armory systems. Yet it's still very massive, and it's consuming an ungodly amount of fuel. Fuel tank takes 12 tons, that is almost half of a dry mass of the plane.

Including: Working flaps, partially working HUD, on which i worked most of the time (but im too tired to finish it, so in future i will use somebody else's HUD), landing lights and something like armory preset. Aircraft also has no emergency catapult so be careful.

Flight characteristics:

Cruise speed (79% throttle): 275 m/s
Max speed (horizontal):
- 1000m - 550 m/s
- 5000m - 545 m/s
- 10000m - 500 m/s
Max armed speed: 445 m/s
Flight distance:
- Cruise: 790 km
- Afterburner: 360 km
Flight time:
- Cruise: 48 mins
- Afterburner: 11 mins
Fuel efficiency (cruise): 15,5 kg of fuel per km
Max altitude: ~27000 m ASL
Max sustained by flaps altitude: ~12000 m ASL
Max (but not recommended) takeoff mass of ammunition: over 30 t... I dont know how much more it can lift.
Max speed with 30t of bombs: 240 m/s...

Maneuvers (~5000 m alt, full throttle, unarmed)
Roll barrel time: 3,4 s
Death rope maneuver: 13,0 s
Cobra maneuver: Performable
Kvochur bell: Unperformable
Immelman maneuver: Hardly performable

This plane took 3 months to be NOT finished, because, well, studying and procrastination.

You may suffer while riding this plane but WE TAKE NO REFUNDS.

Please download this plane i wasted roughly 2 hours on making fourth photo.



  • Predecessor: Avis Brakognier 09EC
  • Created On: Windows
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $22,201k
  • Number of Parts: 152
  • Dimensions: 7 m x 16 m x 24 m


  • Total Delta V: 0m/s
  • Total Thrust: 300N
  • Engines: 2
  • Wet Mass: 32,284kg
  • Dry Mass: 20,077kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 1 0m/s 0N 0s 32,282kg

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