This craft has a Vizzy program that will automatically execute an interplanetary Hohmann Transfer with a single burn. To use it start from an approximately circular orbit with an inclination of zero degrees around your starting planet. Then set the planet of your choice as your target (it can be an inner or outer planet relative to your starting planet). Once this is done the program will determine the necessary planetary alignment and time warp to that point, it will then determine the ideal
position around the current planet for the departure burn and time warp to that point, and finally it will execute the necessary burn to acheive a hyperbolic trajectory that will result in the Hohmann Transfer.
Note: This flight program is designed for circular planetary orbits. Which means for now it will only work with the Circulo System
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10.4k sflanker
I have only tested this flight program on transfers from Droo to Cylero and vice versa, and only with this craft. However, this should work for other vehicles and for other transfers, so long as the vehicle has sufficient delta-v and enough thrust to make the necessary burn in a timely fashion.
Assistance in testing this with other vehicles and transfers would be appreciated. Remember that your starting orbit must be circular and have zero inclination. If you encounter a failure I would love to know the following: 1) mass/delta-v/Isp/Thrust stats for your craft, 2) your initial orbit parameters (origin planet and SMA), 3) your target planet, and 4) the nature of the failure (apoapsis too high, to low, burn up in the atmosphere of your starting planet, etc).
Bug: Unable to transfer from Tydos to inner planets.
Craft: As Is (using MLI to get infinite fuel)
Orbit: Tydos, SMA: 50,000 km, Ecc: 0, Inc: 0
Target: Cylero
Problem: Never achieves planetary alignment
I forgot to account for alignment angles over 180 degrees (in this case Cylero needed to make over a complete rotation during the time it takes us to make the transfer). This same issue will apply to Urados to inner planets as well.