before start: set Physics to as high as possible!
1. Auto Camouflage!
2. big, huge, large, enormous.
3. realistic suspension
4. though it can fire, THE GUN IS NOT A FEATURE
how to operate:
1. pitch to go forward or backward
2. yaw to turn heading.(the turning speed is a little bit low)
3. throttle to change the direction of the barrel, DO NOT touch throttle during auto reloading.
1. the program(auto reload) can't work well, some problems from me, while some from the system(may be a bug? in the program of the gun, about "wait _ seconds").
2. my Macbook air can't keep this stuff working well, so there may be some unknown problems.
3. there are a lot of things to be improved, welcome to leave a comment.
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962 bjbj666
@Tweedle_Aerospace there might be something wrong, if you find the bug(what's going wrong), please tell me.
4,811 TweedleAerospace
This may be the most amazing piece of vizzy I have seen. Can’t wait to test!
962 bjbj666
@Flamingfox yeah, sorry, i don't know why, i think my program should work well, but i doesn't...
135 Flamingfox
Great but I’ve noticed it will only load once then it will get stuck on the used bomb slot
962 bjbj666
@CELESTIAL1 I found this function by accident. if you want to know how it works, you can check the program of the command chip at the back of the tank gun and the program of the screens.
15.1k StarborneAerospace
Wow, reactive camo. That is next generation technology. Good work.
4,097 Hotcrackers
this is ass, it dosent have good space camo, and can’t drive around the galaxy. 1 star
@Tweedle_Aerospace thank you