When i tested it tried with this i finaly hover slam it works just try it



  • Total Delta V: 25.8km/s
  • Total Thrust: 9.7MN
  • Engines: 9
  • Wet Mass: 57,290kg
  • Dry Mass: -2,662kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 9 25.8km/s 9.7MN 14s 57,290kg

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    3,799 Alvin98

    Hmm.. it flew up until it was left with 3% fuel.. so not enough fuel for landing.. I did change the code that it cuts off once fuel is down to 10%.. Than I was able to check out the landing.. Nice landing code, it stops like 4 metres off the ground but other than that its great..

    3.9 years ago

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