The launch vehicle is made in RRS, may not suit will in the Juno system. Performances are close to reality as possible. This is not the final version, some decoration still need to fix, but no affect on payload capacities and launch process.
The launch vehicle originally carrying a 14 Ton satellite which should be able to send to GTO.
feel free to refer Wikipedia, Long March 5 for Payload capacities of other orbits and more features.
- Created On: Android
- Game Version: 0.9.404.0
- Price: $49,821k
- Number of Parts: 481
- Dimensions: 57 m x 12 m x 12 m
- Total Delta V: 15.0km/s
- Total Thrust: 12.6MN
- Engines: 30
- Wet Mass: 7.88E+5kg
- Dry Mass: 976kg
Stage | Engines | Delta V | Thrust | Burn | Mass |
1 | 10 | 10.0km/s | 12.0MN | 8.3m | 7.88E+5kg |
2 | 0 | 0m/s | 0N | 0s | 1.89E+5kg |
4 | 2 | 6m/s | 60kN | 4s | 42,488kg |
5 | 2 | 5.0km/s | 179kN | 10.5m | 42,488kg |
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