A docking module with an MFD that displays info to assist in docking. Its similar to Dooiereier's DART
What it do:
The MFD remaps the target's position and velocity coordinates to be relative to the display, The MFD also displays the pitch and yaw angle between the docking port and the position of the target.
When modifying and placing the assembly:
The MFD is designed for docking ports with a 60 degree field of view and is ment to reach the top and bottom of the docking port view.
The MFD uses parts in the docking port assembly as a reference for coordinate remapping, as a result the docking assembly can be placed anywhere on a craft at any orientation and still remap properly.
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@QuantumSpaceJNO nope, ive had 10.2K and 10.3K for a while now
Is it me or did you loose points
@3639322358 you should just be able to stick it anywhere. Make a subassembly with this, then you'll be able to bring it into a build.
How to install it on my ship?
@QuantumSpaceIndustries yeah boi
curse ended :)
@deepfriedfrenchtoast yes
@QuantumSpaceIndustries We'll see if the curse persists
@deepfriedfrenchtoast 10k x2
@QuantumSpaceIndustries At least im still not too far behind, only 5 more likes on something should be enough for 10k.
@deepfriedfrenchtoast yea, I could not imagine the pain I will feel if I worked so hard to get to 10k just for my points to get robbed.
@QuantumSpaceIndustries I think its just unfortunate timing, someone's account got deleted or something right when I hit the milestone. Though if it happens a second time im gonna start getting pissed.
people are trolling the 10k milestone >:(
@deepfriedfrenchtoast why is the number of points decreasing?
@PeriodicAerospace it says 9,911 on my side. Thanks though.
@deepfriedfrenchtoast I just put you back at 10k
@deepfriedfrenchtoast oh.
@deepfriedfrenchtoast bruh
@QuantumSpaceIndustries @MatTheAerospacer Bruh I got robbed of points right after I crossed 10k :/
@Dooiereier Yeah for that to be done id have to make a special docking port to dock with, which wasnt what I was going for.
@deepfriedfrenchtoast Ah I checked it out. You can use any part position, so that's good. But the MFD doesn't actually provide info whether the craft is lined up with the docking port's axis. It will only tell you that you are pointing in the correct direction. Nice work though.
@Dooiereier It should work anywhere on a craft at any orientation.
@MatTheAerospacer @QuantumSpaceIndustries :D
This only works with the port lined up with the CoG of the craft, correct?