This is as close as i could get making a replica. It has similiar mass with its real brother. I put a unlitimed rocket under it to make it easier to make cool photos (look at optional screenshots to see how beautiful they are). First stage activates the engine, second detaches it. It has a command pod in the dish for easy turning. I think in some time i will try making a full replica with the rocket, but oh boy its gonna be very buggy if i try to close the long antenna using rotors with amount of parts on this thing. Hope you enjoy!
- Predecessor: 10 days of 5g acceleration
- Successors 3 craft(s)
- Created On: Windows
- Game Version:
- Price: $19,247k
- Number of Parts: 919
- Dimensions: 8 m x 8 m x 8 m
- Total Delta V: NaNm/s
- Total Thrust: 150kN
- Engines: 5
- Wet Mass: 904kg
- Dry Mass: -14,388,736kg
Stage | Engines | Delta V | Thrust | Burn | Mass |
1 | 1 | NaNm/s | 125kN | 3.67days | 904kg |
12 | 1 | 0m/s | 25kN | 0s | 849kg |
15 | 3 | 0m/s | 60N | 0s | 849kg |
- UmbyTheZombeonYT 6.2 years ago
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7,211 Exospaceman
@Omega To Change your pic You must be signed up to Gravatar. There Should be a link to the page on your Account settings(Then click Manage account)
1,086 _Omega_
@Exospaceman also do you know how to change the profile picture here? i tried to do that through profile but could not find the button for that
Would you mind if i used this in a video?