The KC3-865 Transcontinental Airliner is a 114 (pretend) seat passenger aircraft. Characterized by its large engines and forward swept wings, it can fly up to about 16 kilometers in altitude at a speed of mach 0.8. Under max load it will take off at around 170 m/s.
AG1: navigation lights, passenger window lights, logo lights
AG8: landing gear, landing gear lights
Brake Slider: thrust reversers and landing flaps (increase slowly to prevent sudden pitch-ups)
Inspired by a design created by Steve Gallacci in “Erma Felna: EDF” from Albedo Anthropomorphics.
(This craft has not been tested on lower-end mobile devices! Take caution!)
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@Moogie i love the reverse thrust system the most, it’s very creative and has very good detail