Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!
Using the Array-bicus Arrays made easy.
Save time, your brain, and your calculator's batteries 🐒
This file shows how to use all the tools and how to take advantage of the "Self Replicating/Bulding/Extending" capabilities. It also includes quite a few helpful techniques with just a single block I stumbled upon, as well as some other cool things. Everything I know, plus what I figured out along the way, is included in a "How To" Walkthrough style presentation. This file also shows how to set up circular arrays to the right size, and also how to make more than what's Included in the "Basic" set.
I know it's an upcoming feature, but 3 weeks playing I can't wait anymore :/ so I took my who knows how many hours of AutoCAD and 3DS Max, did a butt ton of math, and made a set for everyone to use until the feature is implemented into the game. If that's soon or later, It's OK, We've got a way to "make-do" as long as we need now lol.
Please don't forget to enable the nodes you want to use, They are disabled to help make it more mobile friendly. Please do follow the help file, and Dowload all three (3) Craft files, as they are a set amongst themselves. 3 files instead of one to make it easier to use, PC or Mobile, and disabled nodes so Graphics cards don't go on strike.
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9,415 RudimentaryCheezit
read on saturday, november 20th 2021 at 10:50 AM
btw no comment lol
1,182 MechanizedBlackSheep
Thanksgiving first but 🤷🏼♂️ I got it done faster than that lol @FriendlyFin
Make sure to download all 3 files! This file explains everything deatil of setup and how to use in just about any situation