Agile enough to complete the Ali and DSC air races, yet it is as ugly as a broken bone.
I recommend 1/4 speed when flying under the launch pad.
I tore the canopy off on my first try but still completed the race.
-It turns best at full throttle or full break.
-This craft is only at 15% fuel to maximise agility.
-It will fly on full fuel tanks and wings to gain an unreal amount of distance but its a bit sluggish.
-Don't do tricks above 50% fuel and use a long runway.
-Juno Village Runway will work but roll to the right to ride the valley out until you gain enough altitude.
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387 CloakPin
@HumanoidCreature thank you
Ya im just too busy to build now.
I have plans for a massive space station but may never get it started. -
254 HumanoidCreature
oh ok, sad they deleted ur old acc, i would prob download stuff from the old acc
387 CloakPin
I havent built much the last few years.
Used to do futuristic vtol and space freighters.
Had some kids and deleted my old account to avoid being tempted to build instead of look after kids.
Now i just log in to help and raz others. Not particularly in that order. -
387 CloakPin
I did try to make career easier for others.
Im glad you have the same motivation as you have superior coding skills and I have next to none lol.
I am looking forward to seeing what you create.
Thanks for the upvotes! -
43.7k goz
Looks like we’re going after similar goals 😆. Make career mode easier / automated.
0 Samps0n
What world is visible in the back? The one with that winding highway, what it called?
387 CloakPin
I post the crafts for people to use as many complain about not being able to create crafts to complete them.
I’m helping anyone who needs it.
I think all my posts are career crafts. -
387 CloakPin
@Piron I spend as little time as possible on my career crafts.
Once they can complete the contract, I stop working on them.
I only make 1-2 pretty crafts a year -