This a Fully Autonomous Single Stage To Orbit that's Recoverable(FASSTOR) with a 100,000kg Max payload. For the most part, it doesnt use preset numbers. For instance, it Calculates the best speed when lauching so drag went absorb alot of delta-v, etc. It has a powered Landing too. Im still upgrading this craft. I plan on making a Modular Launch and Land program that can be used on any Craft, including this one. You can replace it's Payload, just make sure it weighs no more than 100,000kgs and that it's detachment is aligned with the center of mass. Enjoy:)
- Created On: Android
- Game Version: 0.8.402.0
- Price: $266,423k
- Number of Parts: 65
- Dimensions: 68 m x 14 m x 13 m
- Total Delta V: 6.1km/s
- Total Thrust: 70.6MN
- Engines: 8
- Wet Mass: 2.86E+6kg
- Dry Mass: 2.38E+5kg
Stage | Engines | Delta V | Thrust | Burn | Mass |
1 | 7 | 6.1km/s | 70.3MN | 1.7m | 2.86E+6kg |
4 | 0 | 0m/s | 0N | 0s | 2.76E+6kg |
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