Single Stage To Orbit craft. This is my first attempt at Vizzy, comment to tell me how to make it better or more efficient. It will auto orbit. When you see "Standby for orbital insertion", wait 120 seconds. DO NOT timewarp in this time, just set your fast forward speed higher.


  • Created On: Android
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $3,066k
  • Number of Parts: 8
  • Dimensions: 18 m x 5 m x 5 m


  • Total Delta V: 5.3km/s
  • Total Thrust: 424kN
  • Engines: 1
  • Wet Mass: 21,507kg
  • Dry Mass: 2,489kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 1 5.3km/s 424kN 1.8m 21,507kg


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    @ToadAeronautics no problem! gl with the design

    27 days ago
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    @HumanoidCreature Thanks. I may upload a version of this craft with improved Vizzy, however I would rather upload an entirely new design with the suggestions in mind. I will credit you with helping me with my Vizzy.

    28 days ago
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    @ToadAeronautics try =, >, and =>, if that doesnt work, then i dont know (@AAZub helped me fix my vizzy, credit to her/him)
    ive never used time warp before (if its above 2x, like 10x, then it will not work, 10x and above will only work if the craft is: on the ground, standing still. the engines are at 0% power. if outside the atmosphere, ion engines dont need to be off when outside the atmosphere, then you can timewarp.) also: sometimes vizzy just wont work, which they (Jundroo devs) have to fix.

    im sorry that i cant help you with the time warp part if its at 2x

    28 days ago
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    @HumanoidCreature Thanks, It is in fact my first time attempting Vizzy. One question: How do I make When altitude above ground level work? I have tried and decided to resort to simply waiting a set time. Also how does "set timewarp speed" work? I tried to make it work as it would make everything cleaner, but I could not get it to work. Thanks for the advice, I will note that when I make my next Vizzy craft. Thanks for the upvote as well.

    29 days ago
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    really good, only 2 tips

    1: i saw in your vizzy "set activation group 1 to false", make sure the ag is already on to make it work

    2: (maybe i didnt see it) it would be nice if there was a displayed text that says for example "in orbit" when, yea, in orbit

    really good for first time vizzy (is it?)

    one month ago

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