The Beleste Dynamics - 5 nicknamed Oposonisk, it is a single seat single engine fighter jet capable of Mach 1-2 speeds during flight, created by the company Beleste Dynamics during 1998, though the aircraft blueprint was not finished because the fall of the Jeleste company turning into the now known Beleste Dynamics during 1995, it was equipped aith the PL-CCD Super Advanced Radar Systems with 6700km of range. The Beleste Dynamics company was created during 1990 during the fall of the soviet union also creating the downfall of the Jeleste Company during 1987, the BD company is responsible for 57% of Azerkistans Active Service Aircraft, with the popular engineers “ Kepas Unkiso “ and “ Dradnia Ompar “, the company is still making aricraft for the airforce today. The PL-CCD Radar Systems were created by the company Polak during 1994, it was also a third party with the company Jeleste but did not reach its full potential because of the companys downfall, the the radar system created by engineer and technician “ Ordina Kerimos “. The B-5 was also equipped with 3 Fully Digital touch screens making flight more easier, especially for training of pilots. The aircraft served from 1999 to 2024 and is still used today.