Origins and Historical Development of the MQ-3 Stealth Tailless UCAV

Early Development and Conceptualization

  1. Initial Need Identification:

    • Post-2000s Combat Environment: Growing need for stealthy, long-endurance surveillance and strike platforms.
    • Unmanned Systems Evolution: Advances in UAV technology highlighted potential for a tailless, stealth UCAV.
  2. Research and Development Phase:

    • Military Research: Governments and defense contractors initiated studies on low observable (LO) technologies and aerodynamics of tailless designs.
    • Flying Wing Concept Revival: Inspired by historical designs like the B-2 Spirit and experimental aircraft such as the X-47B.

Design and Prototype Development

  1. Program Inception:

    • Program Announcement: In the mid-2010s, defense agencies announced the development of a new UCAV under the code name MQ-3.
    • Contract Awards: Leading aerospace companies awarded contracts to develop competing designs.
  2. Design Goals:

    • Stealth: Emphasis on radar cross-section reduction using a tailless, flying wing configuration.
    • Efficiency: Non-afterburning engines chosen to maximize fuel efficiency and reduce infrared signature.
    • Advanced Materials: Use of composite materials and radar-absorbent coatings to enhance stealth capabilities.
  3. Prototype Development:

    • Initial Prototypes: Early prototypes tested in wind tunnels and subscale models to validate aerodynamic properties.
    • Full-Scale Prototypes: Construction of full-scale prototypes began by the late 2010s, with extensive ground and flight testing.

Testing and Evaluation

  1. Flight Testing:

    • Maiden Flight: First flight of the MQ-3 prototype in the early 2020s, focusing on aerodynamic performance and stealth characteristics.
    • Systems Integration: Successful integration of avionics, sensor packages, and communication systems.
  2. Stealth Verification:

    • Radar and Infrared Testing: Rigorous testing in anechoic chambers and during flight to ensure low observability across multiple spectrums.
    • Operational Scenarios: Realistic mission simulations to test performance under combat conditions.

Production and Operational Deployment

  1. Final Design Refinement:

    • Feedback Incorporation: Modifications based on test results and feedback from military stakeholders.
    • Production Readiness: Ensuring the design was optimized for mass production with a focus on reliability and maintainability.
  2. Full-Scale Production:

    • Manufacturing: Commencement of full-scale production by the mid-2020s.
    • Initial Operational Capability (IOC): MQ-3 declared operational and began integration into various military units.
  3. Operational Use:

    • Deployment: Rapid deployment to areas of strategic interest for surveillance and strike missions.
    • Performance in Theater: Proved highly effective in a variety of roles, including intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance (ISR), and precision strikes.

Impact and Evolution

  1. Technological Influence:

    • Stealth and Efficiency Standards: The MQ-3 set new standards for stealth and fuel efficiency in UCAVs.
    • Influence on Future Designs: Inspired subsequent generations of UAVs and UCAVs, emphasizing tailless designs and efficiency.
  2. Upgrades and Variants:

    • Continuous Improvement: Ongoing upgrades to avionics, sensors, and weaponry to maintain cutting-edge capabilities.
    • Specialized Variants: Development of specialized variants for electronic warfare, maritime surveillance, and other roles.

This overview encapsulates the developmental trajectory of the MQ-3, highlighting the key stages from conceptualization through to deployment and operational use.


  • Successors 1 craft(s) +7 bonus
  • Created On: Android
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $3,364k
  • Number of Parts: 36
  • Dimensions: 2 m x 15 m x 10 m


  • Total Delta V: 0m/s
  • Total Thrust: 0N
  • Engines: 2
  • Wet Mass: 12,088kg
  • Dry Mass: 5,258kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 2 0m/s 0N 0s 12,088kg

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