Auto Credit Based on Ceya's Realistic Engine Effects Test

A rlly basic but capable rocket that i just made while i was lying in bed ill (I suspect covid T-T) that uses @Seeya ‘s realistic engines post (check auto credit, unless it’s bugged. Seeya’s method of making these engines is genius) I slapped this thing together in like 15 mins lol. Sry for low quality post. Once i’m feeling better, i’ll go back to Nexus and Impulse and general Iridium Space stuff, i’ll try and make a Nexus crew soon.

P.S: the core booster is reusable, after reaching 5km AGL, activate stage 2 (core booster engine, optimised for higher altitude), then after core booster seps from second stage, speedrun to orbit w/ stage 2, it’s got a rlly high TWR, then switch back to core booster and perform a reentry burn at ~20km and then spam thru stages to deploy chutes.

P.P.S: you have no idea how many typos i had to correct here lmao my brain has gone on vacation ever since i started feeling ill.


Nexus Block A:

Nexus Crew: link goes here once i make it lol


  • Predecessor: Realistic Engine Effects Test
  • Created On: iOS
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $100,169k
  • Number of Parts: 36
  • Dimensions: 61 m x 12 m x 5 m


  • Total Delta V: 8.2km/s
  • Total Thrust: 14.3MN
  • Engines: 12
  • Wet Mass: 2.29E+5kg
  • Dry Mass: 67,072kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 6 1.9km/s 9.1MN 39s 2.29E+5kg
2 3 896m/s 3.3MN 56s 2.29E+5kg
4 3 5.4km/s 1.9MN 66s 40,293kg


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    758 Fyrem0th

    U can expect better stuff once i stop fucking dying of whole body aches and that really annoying thing where when ur ill, ur whole body goes hypersensitive (that’s what i call it, at least) and it constantly tingles and when u touch stuff it feels way ticklier/more painful. That shit sucks.

    Pinned one month ago
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    758 Fyrem0th

    @macielc567 sorry i don’t know languages :P

    one month ago
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    2,063 macielc567

    tama dipirona ou um caseiros

    one month ago

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