Okay, to clarify: it is actually the most recent Saturn V that I've uploaded, but I'm going to rebuild the entire rocket. Also, the launch tower sucks. I'm giving myself two excuses here: first off, it's the first time I've attempted a launch tower at this scale, and second, I will spend much more time on the launch tower for the next Saturn V, as this one's launch escape tower is wrong. And that would actually affect the launch umbilical tower.
I can't seem to get all the tower arms to retract properly, but they're controlled by slider 1 and slider two, move slider one up and slider 2 either way (slider 1 controls the White Room, so it need to be moved up so it doesn't smash through the Apollo capsule). Chances are there will be four or five service arms that don't retract, and I don't know why. Also, the rocket is automated now. Press 5 to send it into orbit, but the rest of the process has to be manual. I'm sure there's a way to automate it, but I'm not talented enough to make that happen.
I think the staging is correct. I haven't messed with it much. I believe it SHOULD work, I don't think the rocket wil actually hit any of the service arms that don't retract. It did a couple times when I launched it, but I THINK I fixed that. Anyway, not the final evolution of this, as I already said. I have an idea on how to make the LEM, as well, so hopefully the next rocket will have a decent looking one. Oh, on a side note: I won't be using any of the new capsules any time soon, because they all hold just one astronaut (Speaking of...why?). I'm going to save the old capsule as a subassemly so I can put three astronauts in at a time.

Anyway, on to the groupings:
AG1: Activate LES
AG2: Detach launch escape tower
AG3: Drogue Chutes
AG4: Main Parachutes
AG5: Activate auto-orbit
AG8: LEM landing legs
AG0: RCS Thrusters


  • Created On: Windows
  • Game Version: 0.9.508.0
  • Price: $156,599k
  • Number of Parts: 287
  • Dimensions: 142 m x 81 m x 79 m


  • Total Delta V: 7.6km/s
  • Total Thrust: 52.5MN
  • Engines: 39
  • Wet Mass: 2.05E+7kg
  • Dry Mass: 8.88E+5kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 5 209m/s 28.1MN 2.4m 2.05E+7kg
2 4 22m/s 5.2MN 2s 4.85E+5kg
4 5 2.8km/s 5.4MN 2.7m 4.7E+5kg
5 0 0m/s 0N 0s 4.68E+5kg
6 0 0m/s 0N 0s 1.68E+5kg
7 1 3.7km/s 754kN 8.3m 1.68E+5kg
9 0 0m/s 0N 0s 32,934kg
10 1 867m/s 36kN 11.2m 32,934kg
12 0 0m/s 0N 0s 4,234kg
16 0 0m/s 0N 0s 4,234kg

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