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also i used the mod to download it (pls dont ban me because i wanted to play :c)
@thatguywhodidathing so ok, its very heavy and idk if you can do it super massive heavy like 1 googol
1,664 thatguywhodidathing
@kaijuparadisefan19 No. It won't pull things in. It's just really heavy.
1,664 thatguywhodidathing
The black hole itself is a ball part tinkered to be really massive by changing the hidden properties. It rotates with motors painted with a maximum transparency paint, so the motors are invisible. The disc is a really thin fuel tank with the insulation texture zoomed in and with emissive paint.
@thatguywhodidathing, How did you make the portable black hole?
1,664 thatguywhodidathing
@VectorY Nothing I have made is modded, as of now. It is vanilla.
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@kaijuparadisefan19 what is 'the mod' that you used to download it? You won't get banned for wanting to play the game with a mod. Also, this is as heavy as it can get, any more and it starts to think that the ground is a suggestion.