This is a work in progress. Just a hang out for the astronauts. Pardon the name of the bar, its probably going to change just did that for fun.
Big thanks to Hannah1212 and FRE for the MFD Screen image program and Atari Pong.
will post completed version soon.
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15.7k LonelySpaceGuy
How did you program the MFD to show actual photos on it? This only popped out when I searched and it's a shame this cool creation only has few Upvoted.
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@LonelySpaceGuy I actually took the program from another MFD that had the SR2 logo on it thanks to Hannah1212. It is a bit of a chore. You have to get the RGB Values (just the RGB Values and NOT the X,Y co-ord values) for the picture, using a program called ImageJ . Then put those values into the XML file for the file (has to be done through the XML file not in game). The program is made for a 125 x 125 pixel image. Here is the original program....