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33.0k Felixhdz
okay. No problem, I'll be working on some stairs. Although it has an elevator that works with Slider 1, it is activated by a monitor on the right. -
1,667 GrandmasterPotato
Not so sure on if it is worth buying, the 2 floors yet lack of stairs really kills it for me
33.0k Felixhdz
Nooo. The air conditioning does not cool well, in cold weather the heating does not work, it does not have a fireplace and the toilet is covered. -
12.7k Boby6Killercz
But this is how you did it. I'll also try to build a villa, I haven't tried that yet.
4,975 FelixFan1
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Ops!!!! I forgot to tell you, there was no water service and I couldn't flush the toilet