Auto Credit Based on Heady978's X-4 Super Arrow

After testing the limits of hypersonic flight with X-4C, I felt like there should be a manned version of this fast drone. While building and testing some different designs, one craft reminded me of the engine layout of SR-71. So i decided to optimise this a little ... and then things escalated somehow ...

All is built in vanilla game, without any mods, without editing files outside the game and without the use of Tinker Panel.

The SR-68A itself is not an perfect scale of SR-71 and way more powerful. Just to give you an idea:
- it startet with 80% and 22° pitch, for getting altitude and safe fuel so far.
- between 8000m and 15000m ASL i raised throttle step by step to 100%.
- the SR-68A will first climb to 27000m and Mach 2+, then it will lose some altitude while accelerating, before it goes up again.
- I stayed on that 22° pitch for a long time. It sounds much to me, but it works.
- after 8min it hit Mach 3 at 27000m again
- after 16min it hit Mach 4 at 30000m

As far as i tested, Mach 4.3 at 30000m is the limit before heat kills the nose cones in front of the engines.

What else?
- it is pretty good to handle
- landing speed might be very high
- no speed brakes, no flaps, no vizzy
- ... and even no drag chute for landing, as it always ripped off. :(


  • Predecessor: X-4 Super Arrow
  • Created On: Windows
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $75,928k
  • Number of Parts: 71
  • Dimensions: 5 m x 20 m x 36 m


  • Total Delta V: 0m/s
  • Total Thrust: 300N
  • Engines: 3
  • Wet Mass: 69,965kg
  • Dry Mass: 43,293kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 2 0m/s 0N 0s 69,965kg

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