Auto Credit Based on RocketScienceCo's Bravo 10

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This is the Bravo 10 v2 Semi-Autonomous. I coded the rocket to fly by itself for the time of operation. Also, I have placed a heat shield at the bottom of the first stage.

How to fly it

To fly this rocket you need to wait. The fins will fold on the last second and the rocket will fly for the first 96 seconds. It will then separate the stages and it will then put the second stage on a sub-orbital orbit, that will give you enough time to land the first stage.

How to land the first stage

Landing Successful?

Flipping the Booster

Now that you have created a sub-orbital orbit. It is now time to land the booster. First thing you should do is to turn on everything (including the RCS and other turned on things on the Activation Groups Tab). Once you have done that, press the Retrograde Circle and then the rocket should do the flip maneuver.

Re-entry Burn

As you start to enter the atmosphere again the booster will start to experience heating damage so to reduce this reignite the 2 outer engines (AG3) and the center engine (AG4) to slow it down. Only do this once you have reached 60 km and then stop when your fuel percentage reaches 10% and then turn off the engines.

Landing GO!

Now that you have prepared everything, it’s now time to land the booster. To land it turn on the center engine (AG4) at 20 km and then turn on the 2 outer (AG3) at 16km and then turn off the 2 outer when you have slowed down enough and let the center engine to do the final landing burn. Then at 100 m deploy the landing gear and once you have done that you just did 75 percent of the mission.

Second Stage

Delivering the Payload

Now that everything has taken care of, it's now time to deliver the payload to orbit. Start by pitching the second stage to 45* and then let the second stage burn until you have created a orbit for the payload.

Activation Groups and Sliders:

  • AG 1 - Satellite Gear
  • AG 2 - 6 Outer Engine Burn
  • AG 3 - 2 Outer Engine Burn
  • AG 4 - Centre Engine Burn
  • AG 5 - All Fin Control
  • AG 6 - Fairing Separation
  • AG 8 - Landing Gear
  • AG 10 - RCS

  • Throttle Slider - Rocket Throttle

  • Slider 1 - Fin Control
  • Slider 2 - Fin Control

Contact Me!!!

If you want to give me some advice or any complaints about the E Series and B Series feel free to follow me on Twitter. Here is the Twitter Page


Check my other rocket designs

Bravo 10 Semi-Autonomous
Bravo 10
Bravo 1 v9 1.1
Bravo 1 v9
Bravo 1 v8 1.1


  • Predecessor: Bravo 10
  • Created On: iOS
  • Game Version: 0.9.404.0
  • Price: $272,769k
  • Number of Parts: 133
  • Dimensions: 139 m x 13 m x 13 m


  • Total Delta V: 9.9km/s
  • Total Thrust: 67.6MN
  • Engines: 12
  • Wet Mass: 2.76E+6kg
  • Dry Mass: 1.95E+5kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 9 3.5km/s 53.6MN 1.7m 2.76E+6kg
2 2 6.5km/s 14.0MN 1.7m 5.44E+5kg
4 1 0m/s 10N 0s 3,556kg

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    Hi Guys, I just want to point out that the Bravo Series will maybe be the only one that gets autonomous coding and the Echo and Alpha may not get it at all.

    3.9 years ago

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