Forgotten photos of Uradus 1 mission (Not spaceship, no sandbox)
The reason why I upload the photos here is because on my device I cannot upload photos to the forum texts, even if someone has a serious problem let me know.
Now according to the data obtained based on the color spectra of the atmospheres, I can deduce that the composition of the moon Taurus may be 76% methane and 23% CO2, the remaining 1% may perhaps be gases of another composition. CO2 may give it its characteristic ocher color on the surface and methane its particular bluish spectrum.
In the last photo you can see the Urados cloud patterns, perhaps the wind speed can be higher than the estimated in tydos and two that below the crush height it can be up to 500 or 600 k / h, it is obvious that the Atmospheric composition is hydrogen and methane which gives it its characteristic uniform aqua color and few patterns, perhaps its eden rings are composed of ice rocks which gives them their high reflectivity and makes them look blue too, although it can also be the ice itself that gives them their color.