Auto Credit Based on Jefferson27's booster

I wish the best of luck to the space x team, I hope IfT-2 achieves milestones


  • Predecessor: booster
  • Successors 1 craft(s)
  • Created On: Android
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $749,177k
  • Number of Parts: 2120
  • Dimensions: 124 m x 17 m x 10 m


  • Total Delta V: 15.3km/s
  • Total Thrust: 92.1MN
  • Engines: 39
  • Wet Mass: 2.44E+6kg
  • Dry Mass: 5.31E+5kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 3 5.1km/s 7.1MN 15.4m 2.44E+6kg
2 10 5.1km/s 23.6MN 4.6m 2.44E+6kg
3 20 5.1km/s 47.1MN 2.3m 2.44E+6kg


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    @BlakeS2020 😵

    10 months ago
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    @ZeusSpaceAgency this isn’t true at all

    10 months ago
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    2,072 TomKerbal

    Most Impressive Launch by Space X !

    10 months ago
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    @DalandanMan23 Well not exactly, the starship was going under massive stress since they had miscalculated the staging and it had happened during Max Q. Since the starship was using a new hot staging method (firing up seconds stage engines before detachment) the starship wasn’t able to slow down and SpaceX was forced to self destruct the rocket in order to prevent dangerous debris. 🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓

    10 months ago
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    @ZeusSpaceAgency they intentionally went it boom

    10 months ago
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    To late, starship just went boom 😂😂😂
    Anyway, cool craft!

    10 months ago
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    10 months ago


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